美国对“灰色地带” “混合作战“的定义:
“灰色地带”作战:指使用非传统治国手段、以非有组织的武力活动方式施行的秘密或者非法的行动,包括扰乱国家秩序、政治性颠覆政府或非政府组织、实施心理战、滥用法律程序及金融腐败等,是为获取战略优势所作总体考量的一部分。(Those covert or illegal activities of non-traditional statecraft that are below the threshold of armed organized violence; including disruption of order, political subversion of government or non-governmental organizations, psychological operations, abuse of legal processes, and financial corruption as part of an integrated design to achieve strategic advantage.)
混合作战:指在作战空间内,同时、自适应地混合使用各种常规作战武器,以非常规战术、恐怖主义或犯罪行动来实现政治目地的战斗。(Any adversary that simultaneously and adaptively employs a fused mix of conventional weapons, irregular tactics, terrorism and criminal behavior in the battle space to obtain political objectives.)