首先我们看看拜登获胜对美股影响有哪些。美国塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)认为,如果拜登获胜,“科技公司将获胜,大银行会赢,中国政府、媒体机构、永久官僚机构、亿万富翁阶层-他们会赢得胜利”。

原文内容:It's insulting to say that Joseph R. Biden won this election, if that is what comes to pass. The tech companies will have won. The big banks will have won. The government of China, the media establishment, the permanent bureaucracy, the billionaire class -- they will have won, and not in the way that democracy promises. If a single person equaled a single vote, a coalition like that could never win anything. There aren't enough of them.
注:塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)目前担任FOX新闻频道(FNC)的塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)今晚(工作日8 PM/ET)的主持人。他于2009年作为贡献者加入了网络。